Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Way of Kings

Well, I finally finished this massive tome, and I must say that it is without a doubt the most original work of fantasy I have read to date. The world Sanderson has created is absolutely amazing, incredibly unique. This is the first book in a planned series of 10, and it already feels deeply developed. This book keeps you on edge, it is far less predictable than Sanderson's earlier works, and with four major plot lines to follow I could hardly put the book down. The reader is thrown right into a world of Shardblades, Shardplate, Surgebinding, Soulcasting, highstorms, and all sorts of unique magics and devices- and as is the case with all fantasy, the reader has to be willing to completely immerse themselves in this world and get lost in it in order to fully grasp it.

Yep, it's 1200 pages long, but entirely worth it. I would highly recommend getting an e-book edition however, the book is storming heavy.

P.S. I hope that cover art is recognizable. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Recently got really into fantasy art. (As in a couple days ago) Two greats are Raymond Swanland (top) and Michael Whelan (bottom)

Their art is just amazing. These guys allow our minds to see the worlds that brilliant authors create, in a way they are just as important and imaginative as the people writing the stories. Art is wonderful, what more is there to say?

Check them out: http://www.raymondswanland.com/Pages/Gallery01.html


Starting this off with a quote, I think it will sum up what this blog is about. Where I go will seem different, unexpected but will become comfortable. Expect lots of amateur fantasy reviews and out-of-control nerd raving.

"Each woman is like an instrument, waiting to be learned, loved, and finely played, to have at last her own true music made.

Some might take offense at this way of seeing things, not understanding how a trouper views his music. They might think I degrade women. They might consider me callous, or boorish, or crude.

But those people do not understand love, or music, or me." -Patrick Rothfuss AWMF

The goal is to open a door into a new realm.